Our hapū of Ngāti Hineaute, Ngāti Tauira and Ngāti Rangiaranaki are all up for elections this year (2024).
To vote, whānauMUSTbe registered to RoMST.
If you are registering to RoMST for the first time, your registration must successfully go through the Whakapapa validation process.
This process is made easier by the creation of your online profile (MāoriME) , where you can select your primary hapū, which is the hapū you may vote for.
Each individual person is allowedONEvote each,FOR ONLYtheir primary hapū.
You mayONLYvote for a primary hapū for which you have been validated .
If you wish to be validated for a different hapū you must create or update your online profile (MāoriMe) and select your new primary hapū.
New hapū changes must be already validated, or will go through the Whakapapa validation process.
These elections will be carried out by Independent Election Services, an independent third-party to RoMST.
Friday13 September 2024nominations for hapū representatives open
Friday4 October 2024nominations close
YouMUSTbe registered to RoMST to vote and have selected your primary hapū byFriday 4 October, NO CHANGES TO YOUR VOTING STATUS/PRIMARY HAPŪ CAN BE MADE AFTER THIS DATE.
Please ensure any person who nominates a whānau member have selectedthe same primary hapūas the hapū they are nominating the whānau member for.
Tuesday22 October 2024voting opens
Tuesday26 November 2024voting closes at 5pm
3rd December 2024results announced at our AGM
If you have any questions regarding the entire 2024 election process, please don't hesitate to reach out to info@romst.iwi.nz
Looking to register to RoMST to vote, or login to your online profile to change your primary hapū? ClickHEREand follow the instructions on the page