“E te lwi, Kia ora.”
I have an interest in iwi/hapu development due to my whānau ties within Rangitāne and specifically Hineaute boundaries. I was raised and still live in Highbury with my wife & children. My Kuia Rawinia Smith, was my inspiration and source of the knowledge and values I hold.
I am about whānau, integrity and protection of what we all hold dear. I am about improving on the legacy our ancestors left us. I am proud to be Rangitāne & therefore I am about serving Rangitāne. I wish to see our children and their children’s children prosper and flourish.
I understand the need to be structured and responsible. I am youthful & have a heart for my iwi. I understand principles of protection, participation & partnership. I acknowledge those who have gone before us and I will do them justice as a Trustee.